Explore the Chiricahua Mountains
The Chiricahua Mountains have hosted presidents and writers, outlaws and Indian chiefs, and everyone in between. The scenic vistas of this unique “sky island” remain unspoiled from the times of Geronimo and Cochise.
Science and biology are a major part of life in the Chiricahua Mountains. The Southwestern Research Station, a part of the American Museum of Natural History, is located a few miles away, and houses top scientists from around the world.
The Chiricahua Desert Museum, just across the state line in Rodeo, New Mexico, houses a world-class collection of native artifacts like Geronimo’s bow and arrows, a botanical garden, a massive events center, live snakes, and a lot more.
A few hundred feet from our lodge, Vladimir Nabokov finished one of the most important novels of the 20th Century, “Lolita.” Rumor has it that Dr. Timothy Leary spent some time in the Chiricahua Mountains in the 1960s.
Discover the Chiricahua tradition for yourself, and make the Portal Peak Lodge your basecamp during the adventure.
The Southwest Research Station
Chiricahua National Monument (VisitArizona.com)